Answer: d. The midpoint of both diagonals is (4 1/2 5 1/2) the slope of RP is 7 and the slope of SQ is -1/7
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Which statement proves that the diagonals of square PQRS are perpendicular bisectors of each other?
The length of SP PQ RQ and SR are each 5. The slope of SP and RQ is and the slope of SR and PQ is . The length of SQ and RP are both . The midpoint of both diagonals is the slope of RP is 7 and the slope of SQ is . Follow.
The midpoint of both diagonals is the slope of RP is 7 and the slope of SQ is . Answer by ikleyn(28186) ( Show Source ): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
d. The midpoint of both diagonals is ( 4 1/2 5 1/ 2 ) the slope of RP is 7 and the slope of SQ is -1/7
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Tue Nov 19 2019 · Which statement proves that the diagonals of square PQRS are perpendicular bisectors of each other ? The length of SP PQ RQ and SR are each 5. The slope of SP and ...
If you are talking about the diagonals of a quadrilateral the only quadrilateral that have diagonals that are perpendicular and bisect each other is a square because a...
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