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[Answer] 6. If you experience microsleep _____.

Answer: Pull off the road at a safe place and nap

Most relevant text from all around the web:

6. If you experience microsleep _____. 6. If you experience microsleep _____. Pull off the road at a safe place and nap. 7. If you have to drive on a long trip get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every _____ hours. Two. 8. Microsleeps last between ____ seconds. Four to five. 9. If you are driving in heavy traffic and you want to weave in and out of traffic to ... A Microsleep is a term used for sudden unexpected moments of sleep that lasts four to five seconds. What happens during a microsleep In Mon May 04 2020 seconds traveling 50 mph your vehicle can travel the length of a football field. If you experience micro sleep pull off where it is safe and rest. Microsleep is extremely dangerous when they occur in situations that demand constant alertness such as driving a motor vehicle or working with heavy machinery. People who experience microsleeps often remain unaware of them instead believing themselves to have been awake the whole time or to have temporarily lost focus. Thu May 23 2019 · Microsleep is a sudden accidental brief period of losing consciousness lasting less than ten seconds. It can happen whether or not your eyes fully close and you may not even realize that it’s … Are you about to experience a microsleep episode? Consider the following warning signs: You feel sleepy. You have trouble keeping your eyes open. ...


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