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[Answer] EPR valves are also referred to as ____ valves.

Answer: More than one evaporator is used with one compressor

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EPR valves are also referred to as ____ valves. EPR valves are also referred to as ____ valves . More than one evaporator is used with one compressor Two-temperature operation of a refrigeration system is necessary when _____. the epr valve is installed in the suction line at the evaporator outlet and it? modulates refrigerant vapor to the compressor. prevents the boiling point in the evaporator from dropping below a pre set point and when used with a tx valve the system has the characteristic of maintaining a constant superheat and keeping the pressure from going to low Wed Mar 29 2000 · Evaporator pressure regulators (EPRs) are a common sight in the machine room. Typically you will find one on each and every suction line circuit on the parallel refrigeration system. EPR valves are also known as inlet upstream and back-pressure regulators. check valve This answer is correct. The correct answer is: check valve 4. When air is used for controls Selected: d. pneumatic control This answer is correct. The correct answer is: pneumatic control 5. Applies a false load on the evaporator when there is no load Selected: b. hot gas bypass valve This answer is correct. The correct answer is: hot gas bypass valve Tue Jul 18 2017 · I’ve heard EPR ( Evaporator pressure regulator ) valves called suction regulators or hold back valves. In essence they hold back against the suction line to maintain a set evaporator evaporation or boiling temperature. EPR valves installed on the two higher temperature evaporators and sized to pro...


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