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[Answer] For long-distance travel you should plan to take a break every how many hours?

Answer: 2 hours

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For long-distance travel you should plan to take a break every how many hours? To conserve fuel and extend the life of your vehicle you should. plan ahead and combine short trips into one slightly longer one . Each time you fill your gas tank make a routine check of. tires coolant and windshield wiper fluid. For long distance travel you should plan to drive no longer than how many hours per day? 8 hours When traveling in a rental vehicle if you are bumped by another vehicle or asked to stop to give advice or assistance you should Wed May 01 2019 · Take a break approximately every two hours . If you are driving on an interstate highway state sponsored rest areas will provide you with a great place to stretch your legs grab a snack and use the restroom. Other great places to take a break from a long drive include gas stations local restaurants and parks. Mon Jun 19 2017 · Pull over and take breaks every couple of hours even if you don’t feel sleepy. Grab a snack get some fresh air and stretch your legs by walking around. If you need to take a quick nap . 13 Tips to Prepare Your Horse for Long Distance Travel . ... Weighing your horse prior to travel and upon arrival can help you determine how many days he may need to recover after a long haul. 6. Plan your route ... The Kentucky Horse Council recommends that parking breaks take place every four hours and last for at least 20 minutes ... 3.Take a break every ...


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