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[Answer] From the functionalist perspective which of the following is NOT a purpose of government?

Answer: Functionalists view government and politics as a way to enforce norms and regulate conflict

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From the functionalist perspective which of the following is NOT a purpose of government? a small elite group . Unlike in a monarchy members of an oligarchy do not necessarily achieve their statuses based on ties to noble ancestry . Rather they may ascend to positions of power because of military might economic power or similar circumstances. Which of the following best defines the term patrimonialism? a. Power that people accept because it comes from a source that is perceived as legitimate. b. A military technique which includes the spread of the conquering country's religion. c. A ruling class that is dependent upon the blood line from the father's side of the family. d. From the functionalist perspective which of the following is not a purpose of government Lobbying for the rest of corporate interest Kendra believes the US government to be corrupt and she thinks that there should be no governing for us to control peoples lives Kendra believes in From the functional perspective which of the following is NOT a purpose of government ? Lobbying for domestic corporate interests Kendra believes the U.S. Government of be corrupt and thinks that there should be no governing force to control people's lives. From The Functionalist Perspective Which Of The Following Is Not A Purpose Of Government ? (Correct Answer Below) From The Functionalist Perspective Which Of The Following Is Not A Purpose Of Government ?: Front. Reveal the answer to this questi...


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