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[Answer] he current permissible noise exposure limit for the construction industry is _____ decibels per 8-hour duration.708090100

Answer: 90db

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he current permissible noise exposure limit for the construction industry is _____ decibels per 8-hour duration.708090100 he current permissible noise exposure limit for the construction industry is _____ decibels per 8-hour duration. 70 80 90 100 The current permissible noise exposure limit for the construction industry is _____ decibels per 8-hour duration. 90 It is necessary for employers to provide personal protective equipment to employees if any of these conditions exist EXCEPT: A dosimeter is like a sound level meter except that it stores sound level measurements and integrates the measurements over time providing an average noise exposure reading for a given period of time such as an 8-hour workday. Participation in UCSD's Hearing Conservation Program is required when employee exposure to occupational noise is expected to equal or exceed: 85 dB (A) averaged out over an 8-hour workday OR equivalently A dose of 50 % or greater; Exposure limits. Maintain employee exposure to occupational noise within the limits given in the table below. Wed Jan 28 2015 · In 1971 per the act OSHA adopted these standards calling them Employee Permissible Exposure Limits ( PELs ). The PEL of a particular hazard constitutes the acceptable level that an employee can be exposed to during a given workday. Each line by itself represents 100% of the allowable noise dose per 24...


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