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[Answer] How are skill-related fitness goals different from health-related fitness goals?

Answer: Skill-related fitness goals are concerned with the development of a particular skill such as reaction time and coordination. Health-related fitness goals focus more on general health conditions such as cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

How are skill-related fitness goals different from health-related fitness goals? How are skill-related fitness goals different from health-related fitness goals ? skilled related fitness is refers to a persons abilities in areas that are likely to improve performance in sports or certain work related activities . Skill-related fitness goals are concerned with the development of a particular skill such as reaction time and coordination . Health-related fitness goals focus more on general health conditions such as cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength . Skill-related fitness refers to your ability to perform physical tasks efficiently as it relates to a particular sport and health-related fitness relates to your day-to-day activities . There are ... Fri Oct 22 2010 · The are different components of physical fitness health related an skill related the health related come into the category of cardio respiratory fitness muscular endurance flexibility strength . The skill related components fall under the category of … Fri Sep 24 2010 · Skill related fitness coordination balance power speed as well as reaction time these qualities are very important for a person be it in athletics or even otherwise. It is the ability to do well in sports activities concerning work as well as daily activities. Health fitness concerns itsel...


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