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[Answer] Some of the oldest art and artifacts were made in Africa up to ______ years ago.Select one:

Answer: a. to serve as realistic representations b. to reflect knowledge and identity c. in place of a person who has passed away d. as a mediator between ancestors and living people

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Some of the oldest art and artifacts were made in Africa up to ______ years ago.Select one: Art from _____ has served as a way to communicate cultural beliefs rules and fables to outsiders and within the community. 75 000 Some of the oldest art and artifacts were made in Africa up to ______ years … the spirits who taught humans to hunt and paint during the creation period from rock art found in Australia Tue Jul 11 2017 · Art World German Caves Holding Some of the World’s Oldest Art Become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The caves feature art dating from 43 000 to 33 000 years ago. The Löwenmensch figurine is the oldest known piece of figurative art in the world. It is an ivory sculpture of a lion headed human that is between 35 000 – 40 000 years old. It is an ivory sculpture of a lion headed human that is between 35 000 – 40 000 years old. Fri Sep 14 2018 · The drawing which was found on a rock flake predates the oldest previously known drawing by 30 000 years. APOLLO 11 CAVE . The oldest dated...


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