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[Answer] Warren G. Harding's campaign for President in 1920 focused on what issues?

Answer: isolationism and normalcy

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Warren G. Harding's campaign for President in 1920 focused on what issues? Warren G. Harding's campaign for President in 1920 focused on what issues ? isolationism and normalcy Which of the following was a reason Americans turned toward isolationism after 1919 ? Warren G. Harding's campaign for President in 1920 focused on what issues ? isolationism and normalcy Which groups were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910s and 1920s ? Warren G. Harding's campaign for President in 1920 focused on what issues ? isolationism and normalcy Which groups were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1910s and 1920s ? The 1920 Presidential election was the first election in American history where women were allowed the right to vote at the federal level. Warren G. Harding's campaign for President in 1920 focused on what issues ? imperialism and isolationism national debt and normalcy isolationism and labor unions isolationism and normalcy Warren G. Harding's campaign for president in 1920 focused on what issues? A. imperialism and isolationism B.national debt and normalcy C.isolationism and labor unions D.isolationism and normalcy Warren G. Harding focused on isolationism and normalcy . The Campaign and Election of 1920: The party leaders gave Harding the nomination on the tenth ballot. The popular governor of Massachusetts Calvin Coolidge was nominated for vice president. Their Republican platform condemned the Wilson administration for its handling of World War I and opposed the League of Nations. Warren G Harding's promise was to return the ...


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