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[Answer] What are some techniques you can use to help cope with the psychological effects of captivity?

Answer: Reaffirm your will to live and focus on positive reasons to return homeKeep your mind active by recalling fond memories or designing a houseHave faith that the U.S. government will support your family

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What are some techniques you can use to help cope with the psychological effects of captivity? JKO SERE 100.2 . An effective memory tool that can assist you with using situational awareness during an isolating event is the acronym PAID-E which stands for perceive ______________ interpret decide and execute. There are many things you can try that can help relieve stress. You can try breathing techniques exercising yoga and meditation . What Are Some Techniques You Can Use To Help Cope With The Psychological Effects Of Captivity ? Front Reaffirm your will to live and focus on positive reasons to return home Keep your mind active by recalling fond memories or designing a house … What are some techniques you can use to help cope with the psychological effect of captivity? When using a visual signal to support your recovery efforts guidelines to … There are many things you can try that can help relieve stress. You can try breathing techniques exercising yoga and meditation . What are some techniques you can use to help cope with the psychological effects of captivity? JKO SERE 100.2 . An effective memory tool that can assist you with using situational awareness during an isolating event is t...


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