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[Answer] What is Macbeth's reaction to the news that Birnam Wood is moving?

Answer: "Arm arm and out!" He's going to fight to the bitter end and take down the whole universewith him if necessary.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What is Macbeth's reaction to the news that Birnam Wood is moving? What is Macbeths reaction to Lady Macbeth' s death? He just looks at her body and says everybody has to die but she should not have died so young. what is Macbeth' s reaction to the news that Birnam Wood is moving ? He says you better not be lying and when he looks he sees the moving trees and is upset by that. Who first fights Macbeth? Wed Mar 23 2011 · Macbeth is filled with fear at the news that Birnam Wood is moving. This fulfills the witches prediction that Macbeth will be dethroned when Birnam Wood moves towards his fife. Macbeth Act 5. Most think he's crazy; those who support him think his anger is justified. It is well known that he must be responsible for the murders and that he has been unable to fill the role of king . (clothing motif: belt & giant's robe comparisons ) Macbeth is filled with fear at the news that Birnam Wood is moving. This fulfills the witches prediction that Macbeth will be dethroned when Birnam Wood moves towards his fife. Act 5 Macbeth (Editable) What does the "tomorrow" soliloquy reveal about Macbeth ? A. A desire for redemption B . ...


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