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[Answer] What should you do during USG negotiations for your release?

Answer: Have faith in the USGRemain professional and avoid exploitationMaintain your honor and communicate your innocence

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What should you do during USG negotiations for your release? You should attempt to provide proof of life during any audio or video recording or written documents? True Unlike a wartime situation where the senior ranking member takes command of all prisoners in a hostage situation the most capable member must take command to ensure survivability. What should you do during USG negotiations for your release ? (Select all that apply)-Maintain your honor and communicate your innocence (correct) ... Leaving evidence of your presence supports U.S. Government effort to locate identify and recover you . True. Should your captors provide an opportunity to communicate using written oral or video ... Sere 100.2. Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical. A signaling site is defined as any site based on your situation that enhances signaling efforts and the likelihood for the signal to be detected by friendly forces. What Should You Do During Usg Negotiations For Your Release (Correct Answer Below) What Should You Do During Usg Negotiations For Your Release ? Front. Reveal the answer to this question whenever you are ready. Have faith in the USG Remain professional and avoid exploitation Maintain your honor and communicate your innocence. Should your captors provide an opportunity to communicate using written oral or video means you should: Be nice to th...


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