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[Answer] Who was captain of the HMS Bounty?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Who was captain of the HMS Bounty?

  • Capt. William Bligh:The HMS Bounty set sail from England with a plan to collect a cargo of breadfruit saplings. These would be transported to the West Indies. The Bounty, under the command of Capt. William Bligh, arrived in Tahiti in 1788 and stayed for five months. It departed the island in April 1789. Near the island of Tonga a short three weeks later, the master's mate Fletcher Christian and 25 other crewmen seized the ship. Tired of Bligh's oppressive, insulting command, they set him and those loyal to him adrift in an overcrowded 23-foot-long boat. Bligh and his men traveled 3,600 miles to Timor in the East Indies, arriving in June 1789. Source:

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