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[Answer] Why might feelings of friendship between team members remain strong over time?

Answer: When playing together on a team all members of a team are working together toward a common goal. There will be many successes and failures while trying to reach that common goal. These shared experiences make the feelings of friendship long-lasting.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Why might feelings of friendship between team members remain strong over time? Why might feelings of friendship between team members remain strong over time ? When playing together on a team all members of a team are working together toward a common goal. There will be many successes and failures while trying to reach that common goal. Why might feelings of friendship between team members remain strong over time ? So you can have a strong bond between your team members so you can have trust with you team member and build a better bond to have a stronger relationship with your friends and your team mate will most likely share the ball or give you the most courage when you fall. Thu Oct 22 2015 · According to the Encyclopedia of Human Relationships young adults often spend between 10 and 25 hours a week with friends and the 2014 American Time Use Survey found that people between 20 and ... The strength of the members desire to remain in a team and their commitment to it. Cohesiveness is influenced by a variety of factors especially the degree of compatibility between team goals and individual member goals. Members who have a strong desire to remain in a team and personally accept its goals often form and highly cohesive team A healthy friendship means that sometimes you and your BFF spend time apart and that's okay. When your friend helps you be a strong version of yourself you can feel free to establish your own identity. That means sometimes you'll spend time with your best friend and other times you'll do your own thing. It's all about balance. Fri De...


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