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[Answer] 14. Abstract and general standards in society that define ideal principles such as right and wrong are referred to as ______.

Answer: d. values

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14. Abstract and general standards in society that define ideal principles such as right and wrong are referred to as ______. 2 . The physical objects important to a culture such as homes games and substances found in the local environment are referred to as _____. Abstract and general standards in society that define ideal principles such as right and wrong are referred to as: Values The worldview whereby we understand the practices of another society sociologically in terms of that society s own norms and values and not our own is referred to as: Abstract and general standards in society that define ideal principles such as right and wrong Folkways fairly weak norms that are passed down from the past; violation is not considered serious Abstract and general standards in society that define ideal principles such as right and wrong are referred to as: VALUES . subculture created as a reaction against the values of the dominant culture. Cultural Capital . (also known as social capital) cultural resources that are socially designated as being worthy (such as knowledge of elite culture ) and that give advantages to groups possessing such capital . - General ideas about what is good right or just in a culture. - Abstract & general standards in society that define ideal principles. - Ex: American values include hard work material comfort & individuality. - The values norms & behaviors that people in a gi...


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