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[Answer] 21. Which of the following would NOT be considered counterculture?

Answer: d. federal laws and guidelines

Most relevant text from all around the web:

21. Which of the following would NOT be considered counterculture? 21 . Which of the following would NOT be considered counterculture? a. religious-cult rituals b. rules of respect in graffiti crews c. codes of conduct on Anonymous (a well-known "hacktivist" group) message boards d. federal laws and guidelines Small independent eateries that serve food will be replaced by chain restaurants resulting in the loss of indigenous cuisine. Symbols are only written words spoken languages and images; actions and rituals would not be considered symbols . People can both shape and be shaped by culture . Counterculture is very much evident in music particularly on the basis of the separation of genres into those considered acceptable and within the status quo and those not . Since many minorities groups are already considered counterculture the music they create and produce may reflect their sociopolitical realities and their musical culture ... Tue Jan 26 2016 · Which of the following was NOT considered a force that weakened the counterculture movement? a. Violent incidents b. The effects of drug use c. Transcendental meditation d. More and more dependency on welfare and other government programs A counterculture is any subculture whose values are significantly different from the mainstream culture. The term "counterculture" is widely attributed to cultural theorist Theodore Roszak. The term became used to describe the hippie movement of the 1960s and 1970s which rebelled against conventional American middle-class values and took an ... A. Democracy is not possible without separation o...


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