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[Answer] 4. Which of the following is NOT an example of material culture?

Answer: d. polite table manners

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4. Which of the following is NOT an example of material culture? Defining the Marketing Message: 4 examples of optimizing customers’ perception of value To help you define the marketing message in today’s article we share four examples of optimizing customers ... product image This first test increased conversions by 25.4% over control … Which of the following is NOT true of the early 20th-century brand of sociological thought known as the Chicago School ? a. It is largely focused on social ills such as crime homelessness and poverty. b . Its founding members pioneered the field of urban sociology as well as advanced the study of race relations . Tue Apr 24 2018 · material culture includes all of the physical objects that people create and give meaning to.Cars clothing schools computers and books would be examples .An object only becomes part of culture after meaning have been given to it. A rock in a field has no meaning until it … Start studying Soc 3 & 4 . Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... Which of the following is not an example of material culture ? a. A restaurant building b. Waiter uniforms ... Which of the following would NOT be co...


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