Answer: C= Consumer spendingI = Investment (Gross Fixed Capital Formation)G= Government SpendingX= ExportsM= Imports
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Consider the formula GDP = C +I+G+( X-M ). A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods . In one year the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption . Assuming nothing else has changed what happened to GDP >
Consider the formula GDP = C +I+G+( X-M ). A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods . In one year the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption . Assuming nothing else has changed what happened to GDP ?
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Consider the formula GDP = C +I+G+( X-M ). A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods . In one year the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption . Assuming nothing else has changed what happened to GDP ?
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