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[Answer] In the United States why is there a strong correlation between unemployment and GDP?

Answer: The country has deflation. The bottom line is nominal growth and the top line is real growth.

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In the United States why is there a strong correlation between unemployment and GDP? In the United States why is there a strong correlation between unemployment and GDP? The country has deflation. The bottom line is nominal growth and the top line is real growth . Tue Oct 29 2019 · Such a relationship between GDP and unemployment rates is important in two ways. A rise in employment levels is the natural result of increased GDP levels caused by an increase in consumer demand for goods and services. Such a rise in both GDP and employment levels is an indication that the economy is booming. Mon Jan 01 2018 · The relationship between unemployment rates and Gross Domestic Product in the US is described by Okun’s Law. In short this law states that when the unemployment rate is higher than normal economic output decreases which then lowers GDP. 0.0 0 votes Wed Mar 25 2009 · The relationship between unemployment and GDP is called Okun's law. It is the association of a higher national economic output with the decrease in national unemployment . This is because in order... In the US whys is there a strong correlation between unemployment and GDP ? Consumer spending accounts for 2/...


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