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[Answer] is anything actually "Free"? why or why not?

Answer: Nothing is really actually free because its tinsful meaning everything has a cost.

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is anything actually "Free"? why or why not? Nothing is really actually free because its tinsful meaning everything has a cost . Who makes the decisions about WHAT goods to produce in North Korea? Who decides in the United States? Mon Mar 16 2009 · But is it really free after all? TANSTAAFL which translates as “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” should be a golden rule of any smart shopper. The thing is not about paying no money for it right now – the problem is that you are turning into the customer and most probably will pay off sooner or later. Wed Apr 14 2010 · Most of these free items will ask of course for your mailing address but often times for your e-mail address as well. I always us a separate e-mail address because there are times where you will get put on the company’s e-mail list. This way their e-mails will not clog up your in-box. Thu Aug 06 2015 · Why Windows 10 isn't really free : The subtle new world of built-in costs Even if you get the free upgrade everything from Cortana to Xbox has its ways of making you pay. Mon Feb 13 2012 · No. If everything is free nothing would be produced no one would work and basically all the economies would collapse the world would be in one word screwed. I recommend that you go out and get yourself a part time job once you are old enough. You'll understand the importance of money and you won't regret it. Wed Jun 10 2015 · BitDe...


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