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[Answer] What are five consumer rights?

Answer: 1- right of safety 2- right to be informed 3-right to choose 4- right to be heard 5-right to redress

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What are five consumer rights? While there is not any official regulation President Kennedy introduced four of the five major consumer rights: safety information choice voice and redress . Consumer Rights In the 1960s ... Sun Nov 04 2018 · The Consumer Bill of Rights provides eight basic consumer rights for all Americans . First Wave of Basic Protections In a 1962 special message to Congress President John F . Kennedy introduced a set of guidelines stating that consumers are entitled to basic safeguards against harm from corporations. consumer rights. Generally accepted basic consumer rights are (1) Right to safety: protection from hazardous goods . (2) Right to be informed: availability of information required for weighing alternatives and protection from false and misleading claims in advertising and labeling practices. Thu Apr 25 2013 · 5. Consumers have the right to redress -- the ability to obtain from manufactures adequate payment if their product causes financial or physical damage. Means that googs sold to consumers must… Means that the goods must do what they… Provided by the courts service provides… Is the state agency responsible for pr...


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