Answer: Physical activity.
Most relevant text from all around the web:
Which of the following is the centerpiece to the study of kinesiology?
Which of the following is the centerpiece to the study of kinesiology? Physical activity . Membership in a professional organization such as ACSM or AAHPERD reflects that a student is trying to advance herself as a professional.
The term kinesiology is applied to the field of study formerly known as physical education . a. true b . false
The term kinesiology is applied to the field of study formerly known as physical education . True Scientists have proven that physical activity does NOT involve the cognitive emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.
Which of the following is the centerpiece to the study of kinesiology? sport movement physical activity research findings physical activity Which of the following is NOT an example of physical activity as defined in this text? writing blinking walking 10 ft rowing a boat
which of the following is the centerpiece to the study of kinesiology ? physical activity a motor skill in which performers must coordinate their movements with an unpredictable usually moving environment is called:
Which of the fol...
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