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[Answer] Which of the following qualities of economic indicators do investors prize the most?

Answer: Because GDP statistics are released well after other economic indicators.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Which of the following qualities of economic indicators do investors prize the most? Consider the formula GDP = C+I+G+ (X-M ). A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods. In one year the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption. Consider the formula GDP=C+I+G+ (X-M ). A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods. In one year the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption. Here is the most important economic data for Australia and Sweden. Which of the following qualities of economic indicators do investors prize the most ? Timeliness of release Why is the release of GDP statistics less interesting to investors than the release of other economic indicators ? Which of the following qualities of economic indicators do investors prize the most ? timeliness of release Why is the release of GDP statistics less interesting to investors than the release of other economic indicators ? What typically happens to nonfarm payrolls the PMI indicator and housing starts at the onset of a recession in the Unite...


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