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[Answer] Who makes the decisions about WHAT goods to produce in North Korea? Who decides in the United States? How can the decisions affect the people living in those societies?

Answer: The government or a central authority. The communist decides to produce.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Who makes the decisions about WHAT goods to produce in North Korea? Who decides in the United States? How can the decisions affect the people living in those societies? Who makes the decisions about WHAT goods to produce in North Korea? Who decides in the United States? How can the decisions affect the people living in those societies ? The government or a central authority. The communist decides to produce . In North Korea the government will decide what they'll produce in United States decisions are made by consumers it or fix the societiesthe enemy 1.) most prices are set by state rather than by forces of supply and demand. 2.) movement of resources (labor) is strictly controlled; central planning authority makes all the decisions. 3.) most of the major factors of production are owned by the state; private property … produce them and FOR WHOM they are produced. 1. Who makes the decisions about WHAT goods to produce in North Korea? Who decides in the United States? How can the decisions affect the people living in those societies ? 2. What factors go into making a decision about HOW to produce the goods ? Explain why Japanese producers rely heavily on robots. 3. If country ABC can produce a unit of good 1 by sacrificing fewer units of good 2 than can country XYZ it is correct to say that country ABC ... Which of the following countries has an economy where the government makes these decisions ? cuba. ... In the United Sta...


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