Answer: GDP
Most relevant text from all around the web:
Why is the release of GDP statistics less interesting to investors than the release of other economic indicators?
The release of GDP statistics are less interesting to investors compare to other indicators because GDP takes a long time to calculate. Investors prefer other indicators that are publish sooner. The GDP values is always released on a quarterly basis and usually come out last of all market indicators.
In one year the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption . Assuming nothing else has changed what happened to GDP >. It went down. Here is the most important economic data for Australia and Sweden.
Why is the release of GDP statistics less interesting to investors than the release of other economic indicators ? because GPD statistics are released well after other economic indicators Which of the following important US economic indicators is only available on a quarterly basis?
Wed Nov 22 2017 · The release of GDP statistics are less interesting to investors compare to other indicators because GDP takes a long time to calculate. Investors prefer other indicators that are publish sooner. The GDP values is always released on a quarterly basis and usually come out last of all market indicators.
Why is the release of GDP statistics less interesting to investors than the release of other economic indicators? A.Because governments consistently alter their GDP measurement methods B.Because the formula for GDP includes not only private investment but also other irrelevant factors C .Because GDP is not official government data
Timeliness of release . 2. Why is the release of GDP statistics less interesting to investors than the release of other economic indi...
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