Answer: In a Pareto chart the bars are always arranged in descending order according to frequencies. The Pareto chart helps us understand data by drawing attention to the more important categories which have the highest frequencies.
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A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categories of categorical data. What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar chart and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the data?
A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categorical data . What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar chart and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the data ?
A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categories of categorical data. What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar chart and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the data ?
A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categories of categorical data. What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar chart and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the data ?Choose the correct answer below.
A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categories of categorical data. What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar chart and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the data ? A bar chart uses bars of equal width to show frequencies of categorical data . The vertical scale represents frequencies or relative frequencies . …
A bar chart and a Pareto chart both use bars to show frequencies of categories of categorical data. What characteristic distinguishes a Pareto chart from a bar chart and how does that characteristic help us in understanding the data ? A. In a Pareto chart the frequencies are depicted as slices of a circle. The Pareto chart helps u...
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