Answer: motif
Most relevant text from all around the web:
A design repeated as a unit in a pattern is called a ________.
A design repeated as a unit in a pattern is called a _____. motif This art movement of which Hans Arp was a member valued randomness absurdity and nonsense over rational or orderly patterns.
The ancient Greek sculptor who created the bronze known as Poseidon used this part of the body as a standard unit for proportional measurement in the work.
This painter created a non-objective painting consisting of repeated color blocks connected into lines and meant to imply the hustle and bustle of Broadway traffic in New York. a. Peter Bruegel
Mon Feb 05 2018 · A motif is an idea a logo or a decorative design that is repeated over a number of times and forms a pattern . It can relate to a theme or can point towards a dominant idea in a work of art.
Mon Feb 05 2018 · The correct answer is d. Motif. A motif is a symbol theme or design repeated to form a pattern in a work of art. This repetition serves as an emphasis of the main idea. It has different uses: it can be used to deliver a certain emotion or simply for aesthetic reasons.
Also known as focus in a design is what draws the eye first before it travels to the rest of the design Focal Point the visually dominant elements in a presenta...
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