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[Answer] If you notice someone driving erratically behind you you should __________.

Answer: let him or her pass you and position your vehicle with plenty of space behind the bad driver

Most relevant text from all around the web:

If you notice someone driving erratically behind you you should __________. If you notice someone driving erratically behind you you should _____. let him or her pass you and position your vehicle with plenty of space behind the bad driver. Possible penalties for driving under the influence in Maryland include: all of these are correct. If you notice someone driving erratically you should ___. Let them pass you and give yourself plenty of space behind the impaired driver. 3. The effects of alcohol are _____. Unpredictable. 4. If you are taking a prescribed drug and are going to drive ____. Question: If you notice someone driving erratically you should _____. A. position your vehicle ahead of the impaired driver B . disregard the driver's actions and mind your own business C. position your vehicle in the next lane over and closely observe the driver D. let them pass you and give yourself plenty of space behind the erratic driver The cards are meant to be seen as a digital flashcard as they appear double sided or rather hide the answer giving you the opportunity to think about the question at hand and answer it in your head or on a sheet before revealing the correct answer to yourself or studying partner. Fri Apr 22 2016 · It could mean he doesn't notice you and is looking at something behind you . It could mean he is trying to figure out whether you are someone he knows or not. you would … Takin...


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