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[Answer] If you refuse to take a chemical test when directed to do so by a police officer __________.

Answer: your license will be suspended for 120 days

Most relevant text from all around the web:

If you refuse to take a chemical test when directed to do so by a police officer __________. Tue Dec 22 2009 · If you refuse to submit to a chemical test for intoxicants you will lose your driver's license for at least six months and for as long as three years depending on the state and the circumstances . In some states you can be physically compelled to submit to a test. The effects of alcohol are________. Operating a vehicle in the state of Maryland is considered as giving legal consent to __________. Most state vehicle codes state that you shall not drive after taking a substance that __________. If you refuse to take a chemical test when directed to do so by a … The criminal court judge and any jury may consider a defendant's refusal to take a chemical test as an admission of guilt . It is true that a defendant's attorney could suggest other motivations for the refusal such as a fear of needles or inability to register results on a breathalyzer. Tue Sep 21 2010 · If you refuse to take a chemical test test when directed to do so by a police officer your driving privilege will bes uspended until a court hearing on the charge of DUI . Implied consent laws generall...


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