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[Answer] In the painting The Blue Room the artist uses three patterns that ________.

Answer: contrast

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In the painting The Blue Room the artist uses three patterns that ________. In the painting The Blue Room the artist uses three patterns that _____. contrast. A design repeated as a unit in a pattern is called a _____. motif. This American painter used small abstract motifs to create a huge self-portrait. ... Chapter 1.2- three dimensional art 11 Terms. katie_bugg25. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... In Landscape with Yellow Birds this artist used repeated shapes turned in opposite directions to create a sense of water moving and birds flying. a. Pieter Bruegel the Elder b . Rosa Bonheur c. Paul Klee d. Peter Bruegel the Younger In the painting The Blue Room the artist uses three patterns that ___ contrast In the painting The Third of May 1808 this Spanish artist used alternating rhythm to contrast "good" and "bad" Peter Bruegel the Younger In the painting The Blue Room the artist uses three patterns that ___ contrast In the painting The Third of May 1808 this Spanish artist used alternating rhythm to contrast "good" and "bad" Sat Oct 14 2017 · Find an answer to your question In the painting t he blue room the artist uses three patterns that 1 Sat Oct 14 2017 · Find an answer to your question In the painting t he blue room the artist uses three patterns that 1. Log in Join now 1. Log in Join now High School. Arts. 5 points In the painting t he blue room the artist uses three patterns that Ask for details ; Follow Report by Lilrariwmb5612 ... In this piece of art . How do you explain it makes you feel ... ...


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