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[Answer] The magnetic bearing of compass "west" is _____.

Answer: 270°

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The magnetic bearing of compass "west" is _____. The magnetic bearing to two objects is sighted on a Brunton Compass as follows: object 1 = 215° object 2 = 170° The angle between the objects is _____ degrees . Sat Jun 20 2015 · You take a bearing by pointing your compass at the target (or direction you want to go) and reading the number on the compass. There are 360 degrees in a circle with East being at 90 degrees South-East being 135 degrees South being 180 West 270 North 360 (or zero) and etc. etc. Modern compasses usually use a magnetized needle or dial inside a capsule completely filled with a liquid (lamp oil mineral oil white spirits purified kerosene or ethyl alcohol are common). While older designs commonly incorporated a flexible rubber diaphragm or airspace inside the capsule to allow for volume changes caused by temperature or altitude some modern liquid compasses utilize smaller housings and/or flexible capsule materials to accomplish the same result. The liquid inside the capsule … What is the compass bearing of West ? 270 degrees. An instrument with a magnetic needle that always points north is? magnetic compass . What is the term for North East South and West ? Cardinal points. Border Orientation Legend Title Scale and Source are referred to as? BOLTSS. Sun Dec 22 2019 · Magnetic declination or magnetic variation refers to the disparity in the angle between true north vs magnetic north . Magnetic north is the “north” given by the magnet...


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