Answer: micrometercalipers
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Two mechanical devices typically used in laboratories to accurately measure small objects or distances are the _____ and _____.
Terms in this set (15) Two mechanical devices typically used in laboratories to accurately measure small objects or distances are the _____ and _____. micrometer . calipers . Laser light is commonly used to measure distances.
Two mechanical devices typically used in laboratories to accurately measure small objects or distances are the _____ and _____. micrometer and callipers Laser light is commonly used to …
Start studying Science 700 Unit: 7. Machines (PART 1) Lessons 1 - 3 Quiz 1. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools.
Inter city distances in kilometres distances around the house or garden in metres smaller objects in centimetres . Scientists or specialists would meause interstellar distances in light years or parsecs accurate measures of day-to-day objects in millimetres wavelenth of electromagnetic radiation in nanometres etc.
Tue Jan 09 2018 · The _____-second rule applies to any speed in ideal weather and road conditions. Ask for details ; Follow Report ... Two mechanical devices typically used in laboratories to accurately measure small objects or distances are the. What do you need to know? Ask your question.
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