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[Answer] Which of these hit songs is by the godmother to Elton John’s children?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

Which of these hit songs is by the godmother to Elton John’s children?

  • "Born This Way":Lady Gaga is the godmother to Elton John's sons Elijah and Zachary. Sir Elton and Lady Gaga began their friendship after they collaborated at The Grammys in 2010, where they performed a mash-up of Your Song and Speechless. The two have become close pals since then, and supported one another on many of their musical ventures. Speaking of Gaga, Elton said, "She's very hands on. She comes whenever can she can and visits the boys. She bathes them, she sings to them, she reads stories to them.” Sir Elton further revealed that his boys call the "Born This Way" singer ‘Gagamother’.

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