Answer: Food gives your liver the fuel it needs to metabolize alcohol more efficiently
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Which statement about eating before or while drinking is false?
Which statement about eating before or while drinking is false ? Food gives your liver the fuel it needs to metabolize alcohol more efficiently Which of these …
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Binge Drinking definition Pattern of alcohol use that brings a person's BAC up to 0.08 or above (typically four drinks for a male or three for a woman) within two hours
Alternating alcohol drinks with non-alcoholic drinks and water + Pacing their drinking to one-drink per hour Someone who wants to keep their BAC in check could try: The proof is double the alcohol content
FALSE. False! Drinking to get drunk is bad news for anyone’s body . It can affect the person’s body and their behaviour and this can have serious consequences for others. Drinking a lot can be harmful because the human body can’t process a lot of alcohol at once. In …
TRUE OR FALSE: Coffee can sober up someone who is drunk. FALSE. Once alcohol is in th...
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