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[Answer] According to the Schaefer text which media venue depicted the greatest amount of promotion and/or use of tobacco and alcohol?

Answer: movies

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According to the Schaefer text which media venue depicted the greatest amount of promotion and/or use of tobacco and alcohol? According to the Schaefer text which media venue depicted the greatest amount of promotion and/or use of tobacco and alcohol ? free airtime to be used for public service announcements for every minute of airtime purchased by the government According to the Schaefer text which media venue depicted the greatest amount of promotion and/or use of tobacco and alcohol ? movies. What did a 1997 federal law require television networks to provide? ... According to the Schaefer text even if an audience is spread out over a wide geographic area and the members do not know one another they ... Start studying Mass Media Finals. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... is developed especially for young audiences and emphasizes the health risks of tobacco use . It is a contemporary example of what form of promotion ? ... According to our text many of the opinion programs airing on cable TV news ... According to the text externalities are: A. unseen opportunity costs. ... The amount typically spent on advertising is large compared with total sales. C. The consumer who buys the product pays for the advertising ... E. realize there primary responsibility is to provide the greatest good for the largest number of people. 5 The Tobacco Industry’s Influences on the Use of Tobacco Among Youth. Introduction. ... The section on the framework is followed by a review...


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