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[Answer] The Davis family grows organic vegetables to sell at a local farmer's market. Which are factors that directly affect their profit? Check all that apply.

Answer: NOT an increase in the cost of farm equipmenta rise in demand for organic produce

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The Davis family grows organic vegetables to sell at a local farmer's market. Which are factors that directly affect their profit? Check all that apply. The Davis family grows organic vegetables to sell at a local farmer's market. Which are factors that directly affect their profit? Check all that apply .-an increase in the cost of farm equipment-a rise in demand for organic produce The Davis family grows organic vegetables to sell at a local farmer’s market. Which are factors that directly affect their profit? Check all that apply . an increase in the cost of farm equipment a rise in demand for organic produce an increase in customers at the market a change in the market price for non- organic fruit a sale on organic meats at the market The factors that directly affect the Davis family s profit for growing organiz vegetables to sell are the following two: - A rise in demand for organic produce: when the demands for a product rises that means that the selling price for that product will rise as well.This is because of … The Davis family grows organic vegetables to sell at a local farmer's market. Which are factors that directly affect their profit? Check all that apply . NOT combo 1 4 5 NOT combo 1 2 4. What is the best definition of marginal revenue? The non- profit Davis Farmers ’ Market Association governs the DFM via a board of directors. With California land values skyrocketing suburbia spreading into farmlands cheap food coming from Mexico and Chile and food production profit margins diminishing far...


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