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[Answer] How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins?

Answer: his mother adopted her

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How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins? Tue Aug 12 2014 · Both Queen Elizabeth I and the current Queen Elizabeth II live (d) mainly in their capital city London. How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins? Elizabeth as a Child Elizabeth Lavenza is a key character in Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein since she serves as a balance to Victor's wild ... In James Whale's 1931 film adaptation of the novel Elizabeth is Henry Frankenstein's fiancĂ©e and has no familial relation to him. She worries when Henry secludes himself in his laboratory and refuses to see anyone and begs his mentor Professor Waldman to talk some sense into him. After his experiments get out of control Henry departs the laboratory and returns home to his ancestral village. The monster runs loose on the day of t… Sat Feb 11 2012 · Answers 4. I believe that Victor's mother asked the peasants she lived with for permission to raise her earl yin the story . She was adopted In southern Italy by Caroline Frankenstein. Elizabeth is adopted by Alphonse and Frankenstein when she is five from a family of poor Italian people. In the original 1818 version of the novel Elizabeth Lavenza is actually the niece of Victor 's father making her Victor's first cousin . In this version Mr. Frankenstein 's sister marries an... Victor Frankenstein was telling his story to Robert Walton. How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins ...


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