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[Answer] How may Chemical Agents be deployed (5 ways)?

Answer: 1. Arterial spray2. Artillery bombs3. Individuals (pollution of water food and supplies)4. Mines5. Rockets

Most relevant text from all around the web:

How may Chemical Agents be deployed (5 ways)? Among a long series of chemical substances used as riot control agents only three chemical agents viz. CN CS and CR are of significant importance. The properties of these are given in Table 5 . [ Figure 3 ]. Many chemical agents are made volatile so they can be dispersed over a large region quickly. [citation needed] The earliest target of chemical warfare agent research was not toxicity but development of agents that can affect a target through the skin and clothing rendering protective gas masks useless. The previous sections listed 11 of the most-feared chemical and biological agents . There are dozens of others that aren't as well known either because they are not as toxic or not as easy to spread. There are three ways to spread a chemical or biological agent so that it would infect a large number of people: Instrumental methods such as versions of light detection and ranging (LIDAR) may well be better suited to more accurate measures but without the signature of the chemical grids. Modeling dissemination patterns for agent laydown can be an effective way to predict dispersal without physical testing. Chemical warfare - Wikipedia The Basics of Chemical and Biological Weapons - Science List of chemical warfare agents - Wikipedia Chemical Weapons Delivery - Federation of American Scientists A chemical weapon is any toxic chemical that can cause death injury incapacita...


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