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[Answer] In which U.S. state are the towns of Bald Knob, Toad Suck, and Goobertown?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

In which U.S. state are the towns of Bald Knob, Toad Suck, and Goobertown?

  • Arkansas:Arkansas took its name from the indigenous group prominent in the area when the early French explorers came. The Quapaw people lived along the river that also bears the Arkansas name. It's a state of diverse landscapes, from the Ozark and Ouachita mountains to the flat, river-endowed agricultural lands. The capital city is Little Rock, located near the center of the state. Dotted with small towns, Arkansas is home to such colorfully named urban areas as Bald Knob, Toad Suck and Goobertown. Source:

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