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[Answer] An NBC-1 report is used to determine what?

Answer: The initial detection of NBC weapons usage by the enemy

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An NBC-1 report is used to determine what? An NBC-1 report is like a SALUTE report. It contains information that an observer sees and/or hears . But whereas SALUTE reports are usually about people NBC-1 reports are about weapons; specifically Nuclear Biological and Chemical weapons. The information in the report helps analysts determine a number of things: The intentional use by an enemy of germs or toxins to cause death and disease among personnel animals plants or more rarely to deteriorate material MOPP 0- used during periods of increased alert when the enemy has CB employment capability but there is no indication of use in the immediate future. MOPP 1- used when a chemical and/or biological attack in theater is possible. MOPP 4- Highest degree of CB protection is required but the actual hazard has not been determined. The NBC 1 report is the most widely used report. The observing unit uses this report to provide nuclear attack data . All units mu...


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