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[Answer] What causes the most casualties in a nuclear attack?

Answer: The initial blast and the heat of detonation

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What causes the most casualties in a nuclear attack? The effects of any nuclear explosion is dependent of a very large number of factors including but not limited to type of nuclear device delivery method explosion type (whether air burst or surface burst) the target's structural anatomy and atmospheric conditions. To estimate the number of casualties in addition to this poses an even greater challenge. A nuclear explosion may not hit a city directly. If distinguished this list uses the estimate with the shorte… Casualties Due to the Blast Heat and Radioactive Fallout from Various Hypothetical Nuclear Attacks on the United States - The Medical Implications of Nuclear War Your browsing activity is empty. Activity recording is turned off. Of these 3 Nerve Blood and Blister agents which causes the most casualties ? Nerve agents. How should an area that is suspected of contamination be crossed? Quickly avoiding depressions and vegetation. What are the 3 effects of a nuclear explosion? ... What causes the most casualties in a nuclear attack ? The initial blast and the heat of ... Tue Oct 31 2017 · Even a partial nuclear detonation could produce many casualties in densely populated areas. Although the distribution varies depending on the type of nuclear weapon and the altitude of the explosion. A nuclear explosion releases energy made up of roughly: This Simulation Shows What Would Happen if a Nuclear Bomb Droppe… Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - HISTORY Thi...


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