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[Answer] What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket?

Answer: hid it in justines pocket

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What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket? The creature takes the locket and hides it in the folds ... In Chapter Sixteen the creature tells Victor Frankenstein that he met Frankenstein's younger brother William by chance when he was traveling near Geneva. When William identifies himself as the son of M. Frankenstein the creature strangles him in a fit of rage . The creature asked Frankenstein to make his a mate because he felt lonely . What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket? The creature told Frankenstein that he hid the locket in Justine's pocket. The elder man was blind and therefore could not see how hideous the creature looked. invited the creature in and agreed to listen to his story. What was the reaction of the rest of the De Lacey family when they saw the creature? Agatha fainted Safie fled and Felix hit him with a stick until he left the cottage . what did the creature tell frankenstein about the locket in chapters 16-20. help. Asked by doodle b #674432 on 8/10/2017 8:42 PM Last updated by Aslan on 8/10/2017 8:46 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Answered by Aslan on 8/10/2017 8:46 PM The creature said he found the locket on the boy and took it. Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket He said he found the locket on William and took it; later ...


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