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[Answer] What does FM 3-3 cover?

Answer: Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Contamination Avoidance

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What does FM 3-3 cover? Thu Nov 20 2014 · M295 IEDK - To decontaminate your chemical protective gloves mask hood overboots LCE and weapon. M100 SDS - To perform immediate decontamination of equipment vehicles and crew-served weapons. FSDS - To perform fixed-site and terrain decontamination. Important Information: We strive to provide information on this website that is accurate complete and timely but we make no guarantees about the information the selection of schools school accreditation status the availability of or eligibility for financial aid employment opportunities or education or salary outcomes.Visit here for important information on these topics. Tue Oct 10 2017 · FM 3-0 aligns Army strategic roles ( shape the operational environment prevent conflict conduct large-scale combat and consolidate gains) with the range of Army conducted military operations . The manual is a single-source doctrinal foundation that describes unified land operations across multiple domains (land air ... FM 3-3 details the NBC Warning and Reporting System how to locate and identify CB contamination and how to operate in and around NBC contamination . MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Request to Change Chemical Proponent Field Manual Distribution Restriction Statements 6 October 2000 with 12 October 2000 e-mail endorsement. Start studying ...


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