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[Answer] What does Macbeth want the doctor to do for his wife? Macbeth Act I

Answer: He wants the doctor to ease her suffering to give her something to make her oblivious toher weighty troubles.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What does Macbeth want the doctor to do for his wife? Macbeth Act I Then Macbeth instructs the doctor to cure his wife of this affliction but the doctor insists that "the patient must minister to himself.". The doctor has no medicine for a mental illness which is Lady Macbeth's problem. She is sleepwalking talking about the murders and washing the invisible blood stains off of her hands. The doctor tells the gentlewoman to keep an eye on Lady Macbeth . Thu Jun 18 2009 · Macbeth asked the Doctor to cure his wife of her mental anguish and tortured memories of her role in individual crimes and in the suffering of the entire Scottish nation. Start studying Macbeth Act 5. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. ... What does Macbeth want the doctor to do for his wife ? cure her of bad dreams. ... He hired murderers to kill Macduff's wife and children. When does Macbeth know he's in trouble? Macbeth and his wife; Banquo and his son; Duncan and his two sons; Macduff his wife and son; three witches; an English lord called Siward and his son; various Scottish lords like Ross Lennox Angus; servant...


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