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[Answer] What is the best way to protect against Biological agents?

Answer: Personal hygiene

Most relevant text from all around the web:

What is the best way to protect against Biological agents? Fri Oct 12 2001 · Borio responds: They would not protect people because again most of these agents are not contagious from person to person and in the case of … MOPP Level 1 — Chemical agent detectors worn mask worn in carrier at side. Overgarments worn . Gloves and overboots readily accessible. MOPP Level 2 — Overgarments and overboots worn. Gloves and mask readily accessible. MOPP Level 3 — Mask overgarments and overboots worn . Gloves … Biological agents include bacteria viruses fungi other microorganisms and their associated toxins. They have the ability to adversely affect human health in a variety of ways ranging from relatively mild allergic reactions to serious medical conditions—even death. -M12A1 PDDA - To spray decontaminating agents STB slurries and solutions and hot soapy water rinses during field decontamination operations. To pump water or foam to fight fires deice items wash vehicles and pump various fluids . -M17 LDS - To perform operational and thorough decontamination ... Tue Mar 10 2009 · You’ll need a mask both to protect yourself from germs and coughing as well as to protect others in case you get infected . While you’re at it you may want to invest in a more advanced gas mask to protect yourself from chemical weapons as well (and more virulent biological attacks ). Start studying CBRN (FM 3-11). Learn vocabulary terms ...


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