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[Answer] When is International No Diet Day celebrated?

We have looked all around the web to find the most relevant answer to your query: 

When is International No Diet Day celebrated?

  • 6-May:International No Diet Day started with a single woman who made up her mind to fight back. Mary Evans Young, a British feminist who battled anorexia, struggled with body image issues, and enduring bullying for years, got the idea for the day of recognition in 1992. She saw other women suffering the same indignities that she endured, and decided to take action. She convinced her friends to wear stickers that read "Ditch That Diet" and to embrace their bodies 'as is' for a day. This grew into a global movement that's celebrated on March 6. It's a day to spotlight healthy eating habits, forego fad diets, ignore the scales, and take pleasure in who we are and the bodies we have. Source:

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