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[Answer] Which describes an alkaline solution?

Answer: acidic (NOT CORRECT)

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Which describes an alkaline solution? Mon Jun 20 2016 · An alkaline solution is also called a basic solution and has pH > 7. On the other hand an acidic solution would have pH < 7 . A neutral solution has pH = 7. The value of pH decreases as more hydrogen ions are present in the solution so acids (which release hydrogen ions) have lower values of pH. Their opposites bases have higher pH levels. An alkaline solution is a mixture of base solids dissolved in water . The potential of hydrogen also known as the pH scale measures the alkalinity or acidity level of a solution. The scale ranges from zero to 14. The midpoint 7 represents a neutral pH. If you look at the left side of the periodic table you'll see all of the so-called alkali metals in the first column including lithium sodium potassium rubidium and cesium. All of the hydroxide salts of these metals are soluble or dissolve in water and form alkaline solutions. Other solutions are described as alkaline too however. Sat Nov 10 2012 · An alkaline solution is one that is a pH higher than 7.0 . For instance venous blood at a pH of 7.3 is an alkaline solution as is household ammonia at a pH of 12. Generally as you advance from 7.1 up through a pH of 14 the concentration of hydroxyl ions (OH-) also increases in solution. Water self-ionizes to form an equilibrium system that has [H3O+] = 1.0 × 10-7 M. Select the most acidic solution from these options. Select the most basic (alkaline) solution from these options . Select the least acidic solution from these options. In chemistry an alkali is a basic ionic salt of an alkali metal or al...


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