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[Answer] Which of the following are signs that a boy is going through puberty?

Answer: voice gets deeper and growth of facial hair

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Which of the following are signs that a boy is going through puberty? Which of the following are signs that a boy is going through puberty? A. growth of facial hair and longer finger nails B. voice gets deeper and growth of facial hair C. voice gets deeper and hair color changes D. shoulders broaden and hips widen Please … B is the correct answer. Signs of puberty in boys include his voice 'breaking' or getting deeper as the larynx ('voice box') descends and the growth of facial hair . … Wed Oct 16 2019 · ANSWER. One of the first signs of puberty in boys is bigger testicles . The next thing you're likely to notice is that your penis has started to grow and get longer. It may also get hard when you touch it or rub against something. This is called an erection. It is a stage of growth which forms transition between childhood and adulthood. It starts in the age of 8- 12 years. It is caused by the release of the androgen and testosterone hormones which brings changes. The changes like deepening of voice and growth of the facial hair are the examples of signs that develop in boys during puberty . Mon Feb 03 2020 · Hair growth is usually one of the first signs of puberty. Hair will grow in your pubic area (the area between your legs) and armpits. At first it may be scattered and light-colored. As you continue...


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