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[Answer] Which sociologist purported that newspapers helped to socialize immigrants to the customs and culture of the United States?

Answer: Robert Park

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Which sociologist purported that newspapers helped to socialize immigrants to the customs and culture of the United States? Sociologists refer to the print and electronic instruments of communication that carry messages to often widespread audiences. Functionalist Perspective Which sociological perspective is most likely to view the role of mass media to provide socialization enforce social norms through public events and create social stability and cohesion through collective experiences? Which sociologist purported that newspapers helped to socialize immigrants to the customs and culture of the U.S.? Robert Park People ignoring credible warnings about terrorist attacks due to the massive amounts of coverage in the aftermath of … Media entertainment is one of America's top exports. In Media Unlimited how the Torrent of Images and Sounds Overwhelms Our Lives sociologist Todd Gitlin suggests the omnipresence of American images is mistakenly attributable to: American imperialism. Sociologists distinguish the mass media from other social institutions by the necessary presence of: age gender income political party formal schooling race and ethnicity According to the Schaefer text even if an audience is sp...


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