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[Answer] Who has the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons?

Answer: Only the President of the U.S.

Most relevant text from all around the web:

Who has the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons? Only the president can direct the use of nuclear weapons by U.S. armed forces through plans like OPLAN 8010-12. The president has unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time. Tue Jan 23 2018 · In the United States the president has sole authority to order the use of nuclear weapons for any reason and at any time. This arrangement is both risky and unnecessary. The risks are not hypothetical. During the Watergate scandal President Nixon was drinking heavily and many advisers considered him unstable. Wed Nov 15 2017 · On Tuesday for the first time in 41 years a congressional foreign-affairs committee held a hearing to examine who in the U.S. government … Donald Trump has complete unchecked authority to use nuclear weapons. The military chain of command provides the president with complete authority to order the use of nuclear arms Princeton researcher and Global Zero founder Bruce Blair tells DW. He also talks about potential objections. Trump has “unchecked authority to order the use of conventional or nuclear weapons against North Korea ” Bruce G . Blair a nuclear security expert at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security said in an e-mail. “I believe that both options are being prepared right now.”. ...


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